“We dream of a World where HUMANITY is the only religion” – Entrepreneurs Amrulla & Sravani


1My Happy World Interview Series by portal.idiya.co

On the auspicious occasion of the International Day of Yoga 21st June 2016, portal.idiya.co has launched “My Happy World” interview series, that makes people from various walks of life pause from their busy life to spend a few moments’ time to ponder on what gives them Happiness and how they can contribute to a Better World, through their thoughts and actions. This is one small step by portal.idiya.co towards fulfilling the former Indian president Late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s dream of an Enlightened Society, a Beautiful World – a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Prosperous World. Let’s co-create a better India and a better world, envisioned by Dr. Kalam and other great leaders of the past and the present. The Change starts from YOU.. When you start becoming a little Happier than yesterday, then this world has already become a slightly better place than yesterday!

iDiya.org is interviewing thought leaders, change makers and unsung heroes from diverse backgrounds of about their simple ways of being Happy and making others Happy!

Sravani and Amrulla Khan, founders - SmartGnan.com
Sravani and Amrulla Khan, founders – SmartGnan.com

Krishna Reddy, CEO – iDiya Labs & Founder – iDiya.org
Krishna Reddy, CEO – iDiya Labs & Founder & Chief Editor – portal.idiya.co

On the auspicious occasion of Eid ul-Fitr (عيد الفطر) portal.idiya.co chief editor Krishna Reddy has interviewed the enterprising young couple Amrulla Khan and Sravani Kumari, founders of an innovative social enterprise SmartGnan.com that endeavors to empower rural youth of India with “industry-ready” education and technical skills. Click “Next” button to start the slideshow of this inspiring interview!



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