Joy of Celebrating birthday!


Birthday! We all eagerly wait for this day year after year. We celebrate, we take blessings from the elders and the Gods. It’s a happy day. Gifts, cakes and cards are the norm of today. The whole day our loved ones pamper us with the best of everything, as much as they can. And we also try to do good things on our birthday. Charity, prayers, visiting the orphanage, old home, any good deed that we feel may give us the blessings.
As an old adage goes, ‘ it’s a new day everyday’!
Let’s be a new born everyday. Celebrate each day as a our first! The innocence of a child, the selfless smile and a pure heart! Wouldn’t that be a wonderful start? Wouldn’t our lives be less painful, and our soul be more enriched?
Yes ofcourse, a birthday is a day to rejoice. And we all are born just once, biologically! But as a person, we learn, we change, we adapt, and we unlearn things everyday. So in a way, our spirit takes birth everyday. We begin each day with a new hope and we end each day with a new lesson. So in a way, a apart of us is born everyday and a part of us dies everyday. What we are today, we won’t be tomorrow. What we seek today, we may not want tomorrow.
Melt a new ice everyday, soar to newer desires every morning and be thankful to the divine every evening for a new teaching.
Shine anew each day!
Let everyday be a new incarnation of you! Happy birthday beautiful!


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