I donated all my family wealth for a better world – Gade Inna Reddy, Philanthropist


3“My Happy World” and Social Service

Krishna: What makes You Happy?
Inna Reddy: Equality among all the people, achieving the constitutional fundamental rights of orphans, a society without inequalities, youth coming forward by liberating themselves from sorrow and to serve the society boldly and sharing humanity are what make me Happy.

What are your service Activities? What did you do to help your friends & others and make them Happy? What is your unconditional service / help towards your friends / society? Tell us about your social service projects, NGO activities or random acts of kindness.
Inna Reddy: I never feel my work as service but responsibility. As a part of my responsibility, I have always worked and would like to constructively work on the issues which are ignored by civil society. Grooming orphans kids into responsible citizens is my motto as they will enrich the humanity when they’ve become adults, they will give back to the society as much as anybody else because they have no other people to share their help or love with.



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