Unconditional Giving makes me Happy – 23 year old Entrepreneur Shobhita


2Personal, Professional, Social and Spiritual Background

Krishna Reddy: Shobhita, its my pleasure to interview you on your ideas of Happiness, life journey so far and your vision for a better world. Let us start by introducing yourself. Tell us briefly about yourself.

Shobhita Indrakanti: Krishna, it feels honored to be a part of such a wonderful initiative going forward with the Vision of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Having been brought up in Hyderabad, I am proper Vegetarian Hyderabadi! 🙂 I come from a family heritage wherein both my grandfathers played their valuable leadership roles in working for some wonderful social causes and made significant sacrifices in their personal life. As I came to my awareness about life, I was enough inspired to begin thinking about my role for a greater cause and a healthier society. So Social Activism has always been in my blood. Professionally, I was another software engineer, by chance, worked for a couple of months with a leading Healthcare IT firm. Then I quit my lucrative job to became a teacher with a vision and entrepreneurial spirit, by choice. I chose my choice to earn my bread! To add on, I teach Art of living courses in my free time, inspiring youth to be happy human beings and better leaders. Cooking & mothering my pets are my favorite things to do ! 🙂


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