Art of Living Cleansing the Delhi Drains


Something dramatic is happening in the drains of Delhi, with Art of Living volunteers purifying them by pouring thousands of litres of Ecozyme into it.  The cattle which never dared to enter any of the deadly drains of Delhi, has come back into it and so have the birds!

Pouring Enzyme dated Feb. 18, 2016 (500 ltrs)

Art of Living volunteers went on an awareness drive which they called “Ecozyme Awareness” in the surrounding schools and colleges explaining the preparation method of the enzyme.  Ecozyme is a completely organic solution made by mixing brown sugar, green vegetable peels, and water kept over a period of three months.

Pouring Enzyme dated Feb. 16, 2016 (60 ltrs)

As a result, 15,000 litres of Ecozyme was made and from February  16, 2016, the enzyme was being poured into the Barapullah drain starting with just 60 liters and moving on to 500 liters per day gradually.

Full view of Barapullah Drain with bridge over it (Dated March 2, 2016)

The Bara Pullah drain sets out from near the Ashoka Hotel and flows through Lakshmi Bai Nagar, Defence Colony, Lajpat Nagar, Kale Khan, Bara Pullah, and merges with the Yamuna River.  All these areas used to get affected with its strong foul smell and the deadly toxic gases it emits.

Six days from the beginning of pouring the Ecozyme into the drain, the foul smell started to reduce.  While the Ecozyme was poured, bubbles started coming out from the drain, which is the reaction with heavy metals and the chemicals, and also as a result of the decomposing process.

Bird enjoying sitting over an Ox in the drain (Dated March 2, 2016)
Bird enjoying sitting over an Ox in the drain (Dated March 2, 2016)

The workers in the construction area which is 1 km down the stream from the pouring point felt that there is less foul smell and they could sleep in better air.

The heartening sight of cattle and birds entering the drain ensued this.  Cattle entering the drain validated the reduction in the toxic contents and the sights of birds sitting happily on the cattle was a sign of the return of insects and fishes in the drain.

One liter of the enzyme has the capacity to purify 1,000 liters of waste water, thus, the 15,000 liters of the Ecozyme will be cleansing 1.5 crores liters of waste water in the Bara Pullah drain which will relieve the River Yamuna of its toxic content too!

Delhi has 22 drains carrying 2500 million liters of waste and polluted water into the Yamuna River daily.  The Ecozyme is definitely an answer to this complex problem and each Delhi resident can play a role in creating a pollution-free Delhi by taking part in this highly efficient way of detoxification of the drains.

The Art of Living completes 35 years of service to humanity in 2016.  To commemorate this momentous occasion, World Culture Festival is being organized in New Delhi on March 11, 12, and 13. The event is open to all and the entry is free.

Write to [email protected] or call on +9211135555 between 9:30 am to 6:30 pm IST for any assistance.


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