Blogger Kavya: We all MUST come together & work for a better world


4. My Unique Skills & Ideas for a Better World

Krishna: What are your Unique Skills?
Kavya: Writing empowers me. I have been told by my blog readers that my articles provide solutions for their present situations. That is so rewarding. I smile a lot. Finding positivity even in the difficult situations is the one skill that I am proud of. I counsel people regarding this. The positive attitude brings a lot of change in one’s life. I wish to inculcate it in the world to make it a better place.

Krishna: What is Your Idea of Heaven?!
Kavya: My idea of heaven is a safe, healthy and happy world. My ideal world would be filled with compassionate and honest people striving to make the world a better place. I would like to work towards it by involving as many people as possible to find solutions for the existing problems. Heaven on the earth can only be achieved by unity.

Krishna: What is Your Great Idea (that could potentially bring a “small” positive transformation the world… in any particular field(s) of your choice)?!
Kavya: My Great Idea to bring a transformative change in the world is to break the stigma around the mental health and also breaking gender stereotypes. I believe that everyone is entitled to respect and equality.


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